Friday, February 22, 2013

The Art of Blending : An Art indeed

Tea blending is an art which has been followed by tea masters from time immemorial. The verdict- There's no right or wrong way to blend teas, so go ahead and experiment to find out your favourite. It’s a trial and error ritual which is mastered through years of dedication and creativity. The intrinsic value of a good blend lies in the depth, flavour and beauty of the end product. The visual appeal adds significantly to the infusion.

It is advisable to learn the “Tricks of the Trade” of tea blending under the expert guidance of an experienced tea blender which will help you to forge a path in the myriad world of tea and botanicals. It would be interesting to add here that a blenders mood has an indelible bearing on the final blend and therefore also on the type of customers that particular blend attracts.

To become a blender of repute, it is very important to have a basic sense of how different teas such as Green, Black, Oolong or White taste and look. It's well neigh impossible to create a blend if you do not know what your options are. Some more experienced blenders can even distinguish teas from different regions like Darjeeling, Assam, Sikkim, Kangra or Nilgiris.

Tea is a refreshing beverage which comes with its intrigue of subtle flavours, colours and infusions which transfixes our senses to surreal heights. The art and science of blending can enliven even the flattest of teas and leave a mark on your taste buds.

When selecting your dried tea mixtures for use, it is best to crumble the dried mixture into a tea strainer first, as mixing and crushing in metal or plastic bowls can affect the taste of the tea. Fruits such as Oranges, Peaches, Mango and Lemons flowers like Lily, Jasmine and Rose can be dried and added to your tea blends for a more exotic twist. Flavoured oils can also be added to prop up the blend like Jasmine, Lemon, Peppermint or even Rose.

Conceptualizing and Developing your approach to Blending :

While working under an expert you will learn how to blend teas and what are the things to keep in mind while blending but it is equally important to develop your individual approach to become a good tea blender. Initially you may scout the internet and go to the websites of leading tea companies and get information and ideas which are laid out on a platter.

Different individuals will have their own unique sensibilities and styles to tea blending. For someone getting up in an early monsoon morning may inspire him to jot down a recipe which may result in a pungent flavoured blend or a crisp wintery afternoon may conjure up ideas in someone else which may result in a blended variety which has a fruity aftertaste.

At the same time some other blenders may take into consideration the Western and Eastern principles of tea making while adhering to basics of good taste, aroma and consistency.
So no particular patterns in Tea Blending……!!!!

Some of the popular signature tea blends which Golden Tips takes pride in bringing to the doorsteps of tea aficionados the world over include :

·         Darjeeling Earl Grey
·         Jasmine White
·         Rose Herb Green Tea
·         Pride of Darjeeling
·         Jubilee Tea
·         Queen of Hills

Tea blending is similar to Tea drinking actually, engaging all our senses. So a good blender has to envision what effect each ingredient he is using in the blend will have on the drinkers senses. Technicalities do matter to an extent but the most crucial thing which differentiates an ordinary tea blender from an expert one is that innate sense of good taste and knowing your customer.

The very discovery of tea was based on pure instinct when some dead leaves from the wild fell on a pot of boiling water by accident- Rest as they say is history. 

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