Wednesday, February 13, 2013

5 Reasons to Drink Tea – Your own Cuppa

Like its peer coffee, tea was discovered accidentally - Must say an accident which has changed the world. Who knew such a rich heritage would be accentuated from a few leaves drifting into a pot of boiling water.
Tea drinking originated from China and these few fallen leaves have managed to travel into our daily lives all over the world.There are many benefits this iconic beverage brings to the table. But, if we have to narrow down our search, we celebrate the culture of tea drinking for the following reasons:
1. Tea is Healthy: As a health conscious society, tea has warmed its way into the hearts of Indians for many dietary reasons. One of the greatest benefits of drinking tea is having access to great flavors without the guilt of consuming extra calories. Drinking tea daily (with no milk or sugar) leads to significant reduction in blood sugar levels and triglycerides, which are unhealthy fats and this inturn reduces risk of a heart attack and stroke. So who needs a “Mithai” when you can brew a sweet cup of the aromatic and flavourful  ROHINI KING FIRST FLUSH 2013 DARJEELING BLACK TEA? 
2. Tea is Tasteful: Flavourrrrrrrrrrrrrr - we can't stress the “R” enough ! Tea has evolved from the traditional tastes of the Orient to encompass modern palates of herbs, fruits, and more allover the world. Who can resist an herbal tea like .Rose Herb Green Tea .This bold infusion of  rare and exotic Himalayan herbs with green tea can leave you with a feeling of simmering discontent of “Not drinking enough”.
3. The culture thing : When we talk of tea culture, we think of ancient methods of drinking tea. Maybe you have a tea set that has been passed down from your forefathers and is of immense emotional quotient to you. Tea culture is the atmosphere in which you drink tea that allows you to get a taste of traditions practiced from time immemorial. It's nice to have tea products like Golden Tips-  SPRING SURPRISE FIRST FLUSH 2013 DARJEELING BLACK TEA which conjoins you with the tea culture of Darjeeling and India.
4. Tea is Social: Tea is ideal for social occasions. In the winter, it is nice to brew a hot cup of tea and sit by the fireplace while reminiscing with family and friends. Tea lovers host fancy tea parties which is a great time to catch up with old friends and relatives. Whatever the occasion, tea is an ideal harbinger of social bonhomie .
5. Tea is Seasonal: When we say "seasonal" we think of tea as a beverage that goes well with the change in weather. Whether it is summers, where a glass of iced tea can give that much needed fillip to our boiling souls or a hot cup of Okayti Autumnal Splendour in the middle of winter, tea is a beverage for all seasons.

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